Welcome to TameRP!

Written by
[CR] ✪Pepsi
MOTD or Server Rules

Before I go ahead and write out all of the rules of the server to you guys, I will first make clear the definitions of some common acronyms used on the server:

RDM: Random Death Match; randomly harming, or killing people without reason.

RDA: Random Arrest; randomly arresting innocent people without reason.

NLR: New life rule; coming back to your point of death for revenge, or during a raid on your base.

FailRP: Failing to roleplay; meaning failure to adhere to your classes job, I.E. a cop preforming hits.

Metagaming: Using outside knowledge to your characters benefit, such as: holding you voice chat bind to see if players are nearby.

LTAP: Leaving to avoid punishment. You have a grace period of 3 minutes to reconnect if you disconnect during an admin sit.

Textscreen Minge: Using a textscreen to annoy other players in a roleplay situation, or in a sit.

Prop Minge: Prop climbing / Prop Killing / Prop Quaking / Moving props inside someones base.

Keypad Raiding: Using a players keypad code to raid them.

Baton Rush: Attempting to arrest a player while being actively engaged, and shot by the player. (Once you are hit you must switch to your gun.)

Micspam: Spamming the in game voice chat by maxing out microphone volume to drown out others' microphones.

Important: The max that you can mug for is 5k

General Rules
1) Rules are bound to change on any basis, and staff have the final say in what is the law.
2) Use common sense when playing on our server.
3) The harassment of any of our players is strictly prohibited. Please treat everyone with respect.
4) RDM, RDA, NLR, FailRP, LTAP, Metagaming, Any form of Minging, Keypad Raiding, Baton Rush, and Micspam are not allowed. Please keep infractions to a minimum!
5) Shooting through props is prohibited, you must have a clear line of sight on the target before you shoot.
6) Printers are illegal by default.
7) Listen to, and comply with staff; in most cases staff members know what they are doing, and will do their best to help you out.
8) Do not abuse your power from any position.
9) Attempting to loophole the rules / avoid punishment because what your doing is "Technically allowed" will result in punishment.
10) KOS Text Screens must be 45 Font Size, and must be visible.

Basing Rules
1) The maximum amount of fading doors in a base is 4. If you have more you may be asked to remove them by staff.
2) You must have a clear, visible entrance that a player can easily find if they raided your base.
3) Keypads must be crackable, and you must be able to type in your code to open your door (no halfway-in-the-wall keypads)
4) Shooting holes must be two-way, and intruders must be able to see you, and shoot back at you.
5) You may not build trap bases.
6) Keypads must have a 5 second minimum hold time.
7) Delayed keypads are prohibited.
8) You must have 5 party members for a megabase.
9) Airlocks must be able to comfortably fit one person.
10) No tunnel bases (Unless megabasing, or in an end tunnel)
11) No skybasing.
12) No Invisible props.
13) Crouch bases are prohibited.
14) Building signs exclude a building from roleplay, the only reason you may enter a building that has one up is to complete a hit.
15) You may not stand in a nocollided prop to negate damage.

Raiding Rules:
1). If it is apparent that no valuables are in a base, you cannot raid the base. Meaning you can't raid to kill.
2). Raids must be initiated outside of a bases schematics.
3). When raiding a base that has 1 person, the max people that can raid that is 2. If there is 2 people, the max people that can raid is 4 people. Vice Versa.
EX: 1 person base, 2 People Raiding 2 person base, 4 People Raiding 3 person base, 6 People Raiding.
4). When raiding a megabase: The maximum number of raiders is 8
5). You CANNOT steal items which are critical for someone to fulfill their job, they may be destroyed however.
6). Once the raid is over you must leave the base and wait 15 minutes to raid the same base.
7). Once the raid is over you must leave the base and wait 10 minutes to raid another, separate base made by another player
8). Raids can only last up to 10 minutes, once a raid has reached this time limit, it is over and the raider(s) must leave
9). Hitmen are allowed to raid, however, only to kill their intended target.
10). You may not enter the code of the base to raid.

1). You may not use universal binds. (ex: Party-Raid/Raid/Raid Assist/Kidnap/mug)
2). You must wait 3 seconds between each warn advert. (ex: /advert Warn 1/2/3, you must wait 3 seconds)
3). You must wait 5 minutes to mug again/10 minutes for the same person.
4). You must wait 10 minutes each raid/20 minutes for the same base.
5). You must wait 5 minutes for NLR! (If you were killed during a raid you must wait until the raid is over!)